Saturday, September 28, 2019

Devotion to God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Devotion to God - Essay Example The song depicts that the God is not egocentric and with his presence, there is no ego in men. It admits that there is only one God, who is obtained by the grace of the guru. In the song, the Guru quotes, ‘what we deem a thing to be, in reality it is not like that’ (Fisher & Bailey 2012, p.81). This quote expresses that the God is ‘all-knowing’. He is omniscient and that men can think what they may and perceive things the way the can, but God has the only power that can perceive things correctly. Humans are prone to errors but God cannot make a mistake and his perception is always real. Ravi Das quotes that, ‘the lord is nearer to us than our hands and feet’ (Fisher & Bailey 2012, p.81). This confirms that the God he implies is omnipresent and his presence and manifestation is always with men whenever they are. He uses praise and submissiveness to show his devotion to God. He says the one Lord has assumed many forms but enjoys within all hearts. This figurative expression and style devotes to the Lord that he is omnipotent and omnipresent that he can assume be anything and still experience the hearts of every man. The relationship between the devotee and the God in the context of the saint song is close. He had even quoted that the presence of the lord was in a close proximity to a man than hands and feet. The devotee, Ravi Das is less resourceful as his caste class demands and being in the position to interact with the ‘Lord of wealth’ insinuates the close and non-discriminative relationship he had with the Lord.

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