Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin s Autobiography, The...

FRANKLIN’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography is an inspiring tale of his personal, as well as public achievement throughout his life. Franklin’s life embodies the exemplary model of a life composed of discipline, self-reliance and self improvement. From his humble beginnings as an apprentice candle and soap maker in his father’s business to a successful business man, author, philosopher, civil activist, politician scientist, inventor, and diplomat, above all Benjamin Franklin was, and†¦ The man Benjamin Franklin eventually became a man of good character and willingness to accept others. However, as the story of Ben Franklin unfolds you see he was indeed just a man. A man found to be of the same fault and human flaw as us all to which we were born, and that is into sin. Franklin as well as all people fell short. God told us in his word long before Ben Franklin ever existed. Romans 3:23 states â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.† (NIV). Franklin did prove however†¦ and esoteric essence of his own existence. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an account of Franklin’s life experiences that taught him a deal of self-righteousness, virtue, self-actualization, knowledge and wisdom. Franklin recalls many past, powerful instances of his life that have influenced the ethical and intellectual development. The memoir also represents various events that built his keen interest in literature, linguistic and writing. Moreover, it also unfolds various historical events†¦ Instructor: Course: Date: Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin An autobiography is the life history of a person that is written in a book and the history is written by the same person. Autobiography mainly centers its focus on the times and life of the person writing it. The autobiography nature is very subjective and therefore the writer should be able to recall memories promptly so that incorrect and false information should be avoided. Some autobiographies are fictional whereby people write the†¦ become what we want to be, I was surprised. I began thinking about what I could do as a semester long project in which I could set a goal and record my progress. I had read Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography a few months earlier and I remember him writing about a personal program that he had developed for himself. Benjamin Franklin was fascinated with the idea of perfection, and diligently tried to achieve it while he was here on earth. His method of self improvement he called â€Å"The Art of Virtue†. What†¦ In the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin written by Benjamin Franklin has the story line of his life. He explains how the political life in the 1700’s and how he learned from his experiences. One of the virtues Benjamin Franklin has is being humble, shown throughout all of his writing. The writing style he uses is very formal and addresses his audience with very different occasions. Having been from a big family he started in the workplace at an early age. Working for his father’s business took†¦ The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin’s life made a huge impact on the history of America. He also was an influence for many citizens. Since Franklin lived during the eighteenth century, a period of growth for America, he also played a part in the political founding of the United States. To help future generations, Franklin wrote an autobiography of his life. An autobiography is a piece of literature about someone’s own life. He separates his into four parts, each one depicting†¦ The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin explains the life of this amazing man in history. I this autobiography it focuses on the revolution years as one may expect to learn from this biography about Benjamin Franklin’s; origins, family and all the decisions and events that lead him to become the grandfather of the American nation. Due to the deep description of the situations that Benjamin Franklin went through and the different cities that he visited in this autobiography, draws a visual idea of†¦ Benjamin Franklin, a well rounded American adept in many fields, once said, â€Å"either write something worth reading or do something worth writing† (Benjamin). Although this quote presents a false dilemma, Franklin chose a third option in which he did something worth writing and then wrote about it in his autobiography. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin is a different beast in its literature. Unlike most books, and possibly most autobiographies as well, Franklin’s autobiography†¦ The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin was not an easy book to read. Writing styles have changed tremendously since the 1700’s. Despite the cultural differences I learned a lot about the man and the time. Benjamin Franklin was a remarkable man. He was a printer, author, politician and an inventor. He was one of fifteen children in his family. Because he was from such a large family he was sent out to work at a very early age. He only had a few years†¦

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