Friday, May 22, 2020

Csr Corporate Social Responsibility - 1507 Words

The concept of CSR (corporate social responsibility), has been around for many years, it has continued to grow in significance and importance. Moreover, there has been a public debate and commentary on the same subject. For instance, (International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility) argues that CSR has had social-political influence i.e. the political regime, culture and legal systems of many countries around the globe. More companies around the globe in are engaging themselves in CSR activities, as a result, providing more information on social and environmental issues to the mass. According to (Burritt and Schaltegger, 2010; Gurvitish and Sidorova, 2012), in the past, research that considers both CSR reporting and activity has†¦show more content†¦Moreover, According to (PWK – UK, 2014), challenges of evaluating CSR Reports is the line between evaluating the quality of a given report or the quality of the CSR activities. Taking this into consideration, Gri d analysis of this issue is discussed basing on two main cores pillars, that is, quality factors and content factors. As far as Content factors are concerned, it enables the quantitative values to the CSR strategy followed in addition to the activities performed by the company. The main purpose of CSR, is to bring out the good, and in the process make a difference in the community. However, the report also cautions the company against imposing the CSR practice to its employees during implantation of the CSR report, as this would have negative ripple effects to general company operation. This includes: †¢ Cost and workload – just like in any business activity, the cost takes center stage. Implementation of the CSR report is costly, especially to the start-up companies. Moreover, at its initial stage of its implantation, the report requires a lot of manpower. In addition, the report is time-consuming as it requires various tedious planning and troubleshooting that is costly to the company. Social responsibilities have impact on the maximizing on profitability at the company †¢ Business objective – the primary goal of any business company is to maximize the profit. The goal makes it difficultShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility And Csr1566 Words   |  7 PagesSocial responsibility or also called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- is the firm’s engagement (voluntarily initiated) in and its compliance (legally mandated) to environmental, social, and governance issues (The Foundation, 2014). Also, is based on stakeholder’s needs being financially sustainable, and CSR can come from both corporate or not-to-profit organizations. CSR has seven categories; Leadership, vision and values; Marketplace activities; Workforce activities; Supply chain activities;Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1167 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience or in a simple way a responsible business. It is an integrated concept of self-regulatory business model for any organisation. Corporate Social Responsibility has been in practice for more than fifty years now, which has been adopted not only by domestic companies but also by transnational company with voluntary CSR initiativesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr1232 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate social responsibility has become a buzzword within the industry in the last few years. Following the financial market crash investors and stakeholders began looking at corporations to act more socially responsible. The meaning of social responsibility differs across regions. Western countries are the ones who are pushing for corporate social responsibility -thesis-- A broad overview at corporate social responsibility (CSR) looks to corporations to make a change in the society or the environmentRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility1598 Words   |  7 Pages CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by many groups like, Tata steel, Coca Cola, Reliance, Videocon etc. Although they all stand for similar meanings connecting to taking responsibilities of the society as a business individual, its definition has been getting broader from a established point of view, corporate social responsibility is a type of business instruction included in a business demonstration. CSR policy functions as a self-regulatoryRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1285 Words   |  6 PagesCSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and it is a concept with many definitions and practices and also a buzzword in the media. In general, corporate social responsibility is the policies and progra ms of business corporations which tend to benefit society while improving a corporation’s public image and profitability at the same time. The meaning of it is implemented in different countries and companies differently. Warren Buffet said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and onlyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )863 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology in the last century. The term of Corporate Social Responsibility appears more often into public’s concerned and it has become a hot issue in recent years. This essay is going to discuss and provide an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by debate some key issue in this area. 1.2 What is Corporate Social Responsibility? In 1953, Bowen’s Social Responsibility of the Businessman firstly discusses the idea of corporate social responsibility. He states the relationship between societyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1314 Words   |  6 PagesSocial responsibility has become a primal interest to the humankind for the past two decades. In the earlier days, the firms and organizations concentrated only on the financial part of the business and ignored the ethical, social and moral sectors. But in the recent times, the businesses are getting a grip of the significance of the social, ecological and environmental effects on their success. This has resulted in the emerging interactions between organizations and social segments thus giving riseRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1173 Words   |  5 Pages Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is highly important to Millennials. If a company is lacking a CSR plan, now it a good time to start one. Millennials are looking for ways in making a positive impact on the world and are expecting the same from companies. They are looking for companies that contribute to the betterment of communities and the environment. Millennials put great value in supporting such brands, companies and organizations that share these values. Companies without a CSR in placeRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr979 Words   |  4 PagesThe notion of Corporate Social Responsibility is a phenomenon globally known for many years. In spite of the fact that CSR has been neglected for quite a long time, nowadays several authors deal with this issue, as revealed by the development of theories in recent years concerning the topic. In spite of the fact that there has been a huge growth of literature it is still impossible to simply define CSR. Many definitions trying to capture the concept of CSR exist, but their content varies (MattenRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1370 Words   |  6 Pagesmore attention on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The core issue is the appropriate responsibility of business. In as much as firms ought to obey the law, but beyond complete compliance with environmental laws, the question is whether firms have extra social responsibilities to commit part of their resources to environmental preservation voluntarily. This memo provides an exploratory investigation of the link between corporate social responsibility and the benefits accruing to a

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Workplace Challenges And Organizational Behavior

In contrast with the past workplace challenges and organizational behavior, there is a necessity to understand ourselves and others. Sometimes the stress and prestige can cause an adverse impact on one’s position in the workplace. The ability to deal with our emotions while working effectually with others and at the same time, performing the organization’s expectations are in high demand. Since the employees are an asset, and the organization is expecting a return on their investment, understanding how emotions work and how it impacts one’s capacity is indispensable in accomplishing organizational goals. In the workplace, people often have to work with each other. So the handling of relationships and interacting with others becomes the key to the success of the organization. Managers need to have a combination of skills and abilities such as the strength of will, awareness of self, empathy for others and sensitivity toward others internally and externally. Befor e one can handle others emotions he/she must first learn to lead themselves. So the question become, how is this done? Coleman’s theory suggest that this can be done through emotional intelligence which is the ability to create, build and maintain viable relationships (Coleman, 1998, p. 14). No one wants to follow the leadership of a person who cannot manage his/her emotions. Let’s look together at three business CEO’s personal backgrounds and use of emotional intelligence. The top chief emotions officers in the U.S.Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior1046 Words   |  5 PagesHead: Organizational Behavior \ Erica Wilson Organizational Behavior AJS 512 Douglas Bryant III April 23, 2012 Organizational Behavior According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, and Uhl-bien Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in organizations (pg. 4). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What is happiness Free Essays

In our current world, as we all regard, money is the tool for getting things we need and want. Everyone uses it and suppressing the money is both tangible and intangible. We work for months and years to have money to buy specific things. We will write a custom essay sample on What is happiness or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘A man wants to earn money In order to be happy, and his whole effort and the best of a life are devoted to the earning of that money†. (â€Å"The Myth of Sisyphus â€Å". 1942) Lots of human beings are spending their money to buy some products and services because they believe having these stuffs will make them happy. But what if they wrong? What if there is no real happiness come from money? As far as I am concerned, money is only tool not a purpose while achieving the happiness. Some say ‘ You can’t be happy without money because It unlocks everybody’. According to them life offers every kind of opportunity and happiness to the wealthy people. Unfortunately, money can only buy temporary happiness. For reaching more permanent joy and felicity, you need values that are more important than money. First of all, the most essential feature to underline is that there is an illusion and wrong perspective about rich people. Some poor people assert that they would be much more happy If they have lots of money. They watched the celebrities and other wealthy people life on TV or reading from magazines and prejudiced about they are always happy as they look Like on TV. There are lots of famous people Like director Tony Scott, Kurt Cabin, Marilyn Monroe and recently Robin Williams committed suicide due to stress and smashed under the burden of being celebrity. All of these people had huge money when they were alive but suffered from stressful life. As a factual consequence of this,it leads these people to depression. We shouldn’t forget that there could be some situations that your money don’t work such as: Health. Suppose that, you are rich and earning millions of dollars. In case of Illness, you could easily vault some high-tech medical center and might receive the best treatment,however, there are many diseases which aren’t able to cured by medical researchers yet. If you have these kind of incurable disease, it doesn’t matter whether you have money or not. You wish to be more healthy instead of being a rich so your money don’t buy your health and your happiness Indirectly. In a recent survey inducted by Harvard researchers, it has been detected that money Is not the first priority for people. According to participants who also declared they are happy from their life, money took 3rd or 4th place in their priority ranking. Being healthy, living peaceful life and being with someone you love are ahead of money in that survey. As a factual consequence of this, we can easily say that you can be happy with ordinary income level. Another example is difference between people living in rural and urban areas. In contrast to people living in urban areas and metropolis who has more Income, rural living people are more happy and far away from stress. When you each other because of the mutual benefit. In most cases, boy has more money than girl. He think indulging a girl and buying her precious gifts make them happy but money makes the people greedy. Girl starts to want more expensive things so it gives lots of damage their engagement and happiness. Relationships based on money and benefit instead of targeting happiness and respect usually causes irreversible consequences. You will never know what will happen. In case of bankruptcy and poorness, can you sure that you will be as happy as before? To my own view, even if you have millions of dollars, there are still some values and things that you can’t afford. Considering the strongly related to the topic of money, we can not ignore that we can still be happy without having a huge money account, mansions or luxury cars. Some poor people dream about being a rich one day and they usually tough ‘ Without money you can’t realize your dreams’ but there are more urgent priorities like health,friendship and little happiness that you can’t buy with money. Money creates more like temporary, abstract happiness. How to cite What is happiness, Papers