Sunday, September 8, 2019

Can Technology Improve Our Quality Of Life Essay

Can Technology Improve Our Quality Of Life - Essay Example For example, when I was in high school for the second year, my teacher told me that she has to go to another country for her higher studies. I was worried about that because if I am going to study with another teacher, I will have to learn their style again to start with. So I told my teacher that I don’t want to study with another teacher. In the beginning, we don’t know what to do because we were very far away from each other and she could not just leave me even for one year. So we decide to use a webcam to have a lesson. It was very easy to have lessons online because I just need to put the webcam in a right place and we could start the talk. My teacher could see me studying and I could see my teacher too. We did this for one year and didn’t have any problem, and I got a very high grade for my final exam too. If I had to change my teacher, I will have to start to learn different style again under a new teacher. Moreover, my teacher was very much expert in music and the new teacher may not be so and that will cause difficulties for me to learn more about music in my high school. That will make me less expert than my other friends and classmates. Moreover, if I change my teacher, her styles and way of teaching may not fit my requirements. Technology helped me in retaining my teacher even if she had to leave my country. Such things may not be imaginable in 18 th or 19 th centuries. Thus the technology helped me in keeping the quality of my life. Technology can improve our communication too.

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